package cn.home1.oss.boot.autoconfigure;

import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank;

import org.springframework.util.AntPathMatcher;

import java.util.function.Predicate;

 * Created by zhanghaolun on 16/11/3.
public abstract class PathUtils {

  private PathUtils() {

   * Any path satisfies this condition.
   * @return predicate that is always true
  public static Predicate<String> any() {
    return t -> true;

   * No path satisfies this condition.
   * @return predicate that is always false
  public static Predicate<String> none() {
    return t -> false;

   * Predicate that evaluates the supplied regular expression.
   * @param pathRegex - regex
   * @return predicate that matches a particular regex
  public static Predicate<String> regex(final String pathRegex) {
    return input -> input.matches(pathRegex);

   * Predicate that evaluates the supplied ant pattern.
   * @param antPattern - ant Pattern
   * @return predicate that matches a particular ant pattern
  public static Predicate<String> ant(final String antPattern) {
    return input -> {
      AntPathMatcher matcher = new AntPathMatcher();
      return matcher.match(antPattern, input);

  public static Predicate<String> managementPaths(final String managementContextPath) {
    final Predicate<String> result;
    if (isNotBlank(managementContextPath)) {
      result = regex(managementContextPath + "/.*") //
        .or(ant(managementContextPath)) //
        .or(ant(managementContextPath + "" + ".json")) //
        .or(regex("/env(\\..+|/.*)?")) //
        .or(regex("/restart(\\..+|/.*)?")) //
    } else {
      result = regex("/archaius(\\..+|/.*)?") // endpoint-mvc-adapter
        .or(regex("/autoconfig(\\..+|/.*)?")) //
        .or(regex("/env(\\..+|/.*)?")) // environment-mvc-endpoint,
        .or(regex("/pause(\\..+|/.*)?")) // generic-postable-mvc-endpoint
        .or(regex("/actuator(\\..+|/.*)?")) // hal-json-mvc-endpoint
        .or(regex("/health(\\..+|/.*)?")) // health-mvc-endpoint
        .or(regex("/heapdump(\\..+|/.*)?")) // heapdump-mvc-endpoint
        .or(regex("/jolokia(\\..+|/.*)?")) // jolokia-mvc-endpoint
        .or(regex("/logfile(\\..+|/.*)?")) // log-file-mvc-endpoint
        .or(regex("/metrics(\\..+|/.*)?")) // metrics-mvc-endpoint
        .or(regex("/restart(\\..+|/.*)?")) //
        .or(regex("/shutdown(\\..+|/.*)?")) // shutdown-mvc-endpoint@org.springframework.boot.actuate
    return result;

  public static Boolean isManagementPath(final String managementContextPath, final String servletPath) {
    return managementPaths(managementContextPath).test(servletPath);