
Module to centralize common resources and configuration for open source stack builds.

  • Parent pom.xml for maven projects
  • Maven site
  • CI config
  • IDE config
  • Code style
  • Java version
  • Project encoding


Set oss-build as parent in maven projects.


No dependency will be imported, oss-build only responsible for software engineering, it does not interfering dependency management.


oss-build support code environment segregation and build deploy segregation.

The cost is you will need to provide some variables: + nexus address + docker-registry address + checkstyle config location + pmd config location …

maven plugins imported by oss-build

  • docker-maven-plugin

    Build docker images, push them into docker registry

  • git-commit-id-plugin

    Generate src/main/resources/git.properties

  • jacoco-maven-plugin

    Test coverage report

  • maven-compiler-plugin

    Java source and target version, source encoding

  • maven-enforcer-plugin

    Avoid dependency conflict

  • maven-source-plugin

    Build jar of source code

  • gitflow-maven-plugin

    gitflow branch model

profiles in oss-build

  • dependency-check

    Generate a detailed dependency report, use mvn -Ddependency-check=true to active, need to be used together with site profile. This takes a long time, disabled by default.

  • git-commit-id

    Auto enable if .git exists, generate src/main/resources/git.properties by git-commit-id-plugin

  • jacoco

    Enabled by default, to disable, set -Djacoco=false. Generate test coverage report by jacoco-maven-plugin.

  • internal_nexus

    Use nexus service at organization internal network. Deploy maven site into organization internal mvnsite.

  • local_nexus

    Use nexus service at user’s local (see docker-nexus3). Deploy maven site into local mvnsite (see docker-proxy).

  • site

    Generate maven site for project, run mvn -Dsite=true site site:stage site:stage-deploy to active this profile and build site, set -Dsite.path=oss-build-snapshot to specify upload directory.

IDE plugins

IntelliJ Maven runner and importing VM args

intellij-maven-runner.png intellij-maven-importing.png Note: These screenshots is only represents the location of the configuration.

Jira and gitlab integration

Add args on maven site

jira.projectKey         # jira上的projectKey
jira.user               # jira用户名
jira.password           # jira密码

GPG issue

gpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device

To solve the problem, you need to enable loopback pinentry mode.

Add this to ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf:

pinentry-mode loopback

And add this to ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf, creating the file if it doesn’t already exist:
