—– There are link issues on git service generated pages, see gitbook or maven site. + gitbook
A enhanced client for oss-admin (spring-boot-admin)
In pom.xml
<dependency> <groupId>cn.home1</groupId> <artifactId>oss-lib-adminclient-spring-boot-${spring-boot.version}</artifactId> </dependency>
server.port server.context-path and management.port management.context-path. Feign client will use server.context-path to build request URL.
If server.port is not same as management.port, statusPageUrlPath and healthCheckUrlPath needs special config, we recommend that use the same port.
logging: file: ${LOGGING_FILE:oss-admin}.log path: ${LOGGING_PATH:${user.home}/.oss/oss-admin/logs}
Basic authentication for actuator endpoints
security.user: name: admin password: ${SECURITY_USER_PASSWORD:admin_pass} role: ADMIN
> NOTES: Do dot make a conflict with oss-lib-security’s user that has ADMIN role.
Alter actuator endpoints, for example /beans to /springbeans
endpoints.beans.id=springbeans endpoints.beans.sensitive=true endpoints.beans.enabled=true